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Nourish the Nervous System at Noon

Jul 6

3 min read




nervous system regulation
Nourish at noon

Once you’ve had a soothing start to your day with these tips for a dose of morning bliss: continue nourishing your nervous system throughout the day with these tips to help you keep the nervous system in check when you REALLY need it!

Once your day has begun and you’ve faced down one stressor after another: a crying infant 👶, traffic delays 🚥, a looming deadline 📆, a cranky coworker 😠, etc., you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed.

If that sounds familiar, consider taking a few moments to drop into your body, remind it that it’s safe and allow it to relax. Do a quick check-in with your body to see how you’re doing. If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, try one of these ideas to reset and restore your nervous system:

~Take a breather 😗

~Go outside 🏞️

~Light a candle 🕯️

~Do yoga 🧘‍♂️

~Listen to music 🎵

Take a Breather

When trying to calm an overworked nervous system, take a moment for yourself 👩‍🦳 and do a bit of breathwork. Try box breathing ☑️ for a quick nervous system reset! To do it, find a comfortable place to sit 🧎 and take a few deep breaths, however feels intuitive to you. Then begin breathing like this:

  • Inhale to a slow count of four

  • Hold for a slow count of four

  • Exhale for a slow count of four

  • Hold for a slow count of four

Repeat for several rounds until you feel calm.

Go Outside

Nervous system regulation

If the location and weather permit, step outside for a few moments of peace ☮️. Look for an area with a bit of nature: a tree🌳, a flower bed🌼, a trail🏞️, a river💦, etc. Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and pay attention to the colors, the temperature, the breeze, the sun🌤️. Make these few moments really mindful. Really feel your connection to the earth 🌎 and enjoy all the natural beauty it offers. Feel free to remove your shoes 👠 and sink your feet into the earth if that calls to you. Smile 😁 and show Mother Earth your gratitude.

Light a Candle

If you’re in a private space and can safely do so, turn off the lights 💡 and light a candle 🕯️. Spend a few quiet moments in silent reflection. You may choose to candle gaze, meditate, repeat some affirmations* 🥰 or perhaps just allow yourself a few moments of quiet. Engage in this ritual however feels the most soothing to you. Take a deep breath before blowing out the candle 💨.

*Start adding affirmations to your day with this challenge:

Do Yoga

When you’re feeling anxious 😫, take a few moments for yourself and drop into a soothing yoga pose. Particularly restorative and nurturing 🤱 are forward folds. Try a few minutes ⏳ in child’s pose to remind your body that you’re safe. To do it:

nervous system regulation
Child's pose

  • Find a comfortable space 🧘

  • Lower down onto your knees 🧎‍♀️

  • Sit your hips down onto your heels 👣

  • Settle the belly onto your thighs 🦵

  • Rest the forehead on the floor 💆‍♀️

  • Place the arms alongside the body, hands towards hips, palms facing up 🖐️

  • Take 10 deep breaths here 🌬️

Listen to Music

Another option is to seclude yourself for a few minutes to enjoy some relaxing music 🎶. Either shut yourself in an office 🗄️, your vehicle 🚗 or just close your eyes 😌 and pop in some earbuds for a moment of peace ☮️. Play some soothing music 🎧 and allow your breath to slow down to the rhythm of the sounds 🎻. Instrumental music, nature sounds 🕊️, white noise are a few options that lend themselves well to relaxation.

nervous system regulation
Listen to music

Feel free to try sound healing or chanting as well. Here’s one to sample:

If sound healing 🥁 appeals to you, explore further at:

Enjoy these daily tips for a healthy nervous system and remember that just a few simple steps each day can make all the difference in your health 💟!


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